The Blue Moon was the last of 3 races in a summer evening race series we enjoy running. All 3 races start in a parking lot, run out and back on the same dirt running path, and then end in the same place where they started. For the first race of the series I ran the 5k as my first tempo run of the summer. We were out of town for the second race so I ran a virtual run, finishing a 10k tempo run in 45:39 which averaged out to 7:22 pace. This race I was signed up for the 10k and planned to run it as my tempo run for the week. My goal was to run between 7:15 and 7:20 pace and beat my time from my previous 10k tempo. On our way there Ty was talking about how he planned to add a few miles to the end of the 5k to turn it into a long run so I suggested he just switch to the 10k. Thomas offered to run with the kids in the stroller if Ty ran the 10k so he wouldn't have to run a long run with the stroller and Ty decided to go for it. Jeremy was volunteering with the race and was given the job of passing out finisher's medals to all runners who completed the entire race series. It was exciting knowing I would see him as I crossed the finish line.
All of us with our race shirts and medals. |
Dad, Thomas, and the kids ready for the race. |
The 10k started 15 minutes before the 5k and I realized that meant I would most likely see mom on my way to the finish. When we took off at the start I was the 4th female and remained there for the first mile which I went through in 7:03. By the end of the 2nd mile I had worked my way into 2nd female and hit my 2nd mile in 7:28. I was disappointed with that split and focused on getting back to my goal pace of 7:15-7:20 for the next mile which I was able to do with a split of 7:14. Something about this course I always run really inconsistent miles and typically consistent miles are a strength of mine. My Garmin shows elevation loss in the first mile and elevation gain the 2nd mile so maybe that's why but I have never noticed a "hill". I caught up with the 1st female a little bit before the turn around which we hit before we crossed another road. We started chatting after the turn around and I thought about just sticking with her and enjoying a running buddy but then I looked down at my watch to see we had slowed to 7:55 pace as we chatted. I wanted to make the race a strong tempo run so I took off. By the time I heard my watch beep for mile 4 I was running alone with the person closest ahead of me barely visible, especially since it was getting pretty dark. I went through mile 4 in 7:29, thanks to slowing down and chatting, oops!
A picture mom got of me taking off at the start, I'm in a grey tank and blue tutu. |
Ty taking off on the 10k. |
Ty off to a good start, photo from the race photographers. |
With a mile and a half to go I reached the turn around for the 5k. It was super congested since I was passing runners and run/walkers who were finishing a 5k somewhere in the 30 minute range which is the largest pack of runners. I had trouble getting around some packs where people were running 3-4 wide on the right side and slower runners were still headed out toward the turn around. It really slowed me down, but it also kept me from being alone. Since I'd run half of my 5th mile before hitting all the congestion, I was able to make it through in 7:10. The traffic definitely affected me during mile 6. With around a mile to go I saw mom running ahead of me in the light up tutu and cheered for her. She yelled that there was a 10k runner coming and to move over. It was the only time I was able to pass freely. I think most of the runners weren't even aware that 10k runners were coming back through otherwise they may have been more courteous trying not to occupy the entire course. Mile 6 I came through in 7:19 despite all the weaving around and took off as hard as I could for the finish. Coming up on the finish I was flying by the 5k runners and one guy looked over and took off, trying to beat me. I knew he wasn't in my race but it was still fun to sprint to the finish against someone and I out kicked him as we made our way onto the pavement. As I crossed the finish line I saw Jeremy handing out medals and he congratulated me on my run. I was able to finish the last 0.23 of a mile in 6:39 pace.
Me finishing, photo from the race photographers. |
With Jeremy after finishing the race. |
My official finishing time was 45:14. I had 45:15 on my Garmin. I was a little bit disappointed at first because I hadn't run consistently and I felt like I was capable of running under 45 minutes. But then I saw my average pace was 7:16 per mile which was so close to my overall fastest goal so I was good with it. I could have given in once I caught up to the first female and coasted in but instead put the hammer down and really focused on running a strong tempo run which I was proud of. It was hard when I started comparing my time to the 42:30 I ran in April but I reminded myself I had been doing speed work for a long time before I ran that race and I have yet to do any speed work since April so I'll get there. It will just take a few months.
I ran my cool down out to mom and ran to the finish with her. She had planned to run a mile, walk a half-mile, run a mile, walk a half-mile the entire race but had forgotten her Garmin so she just ran the whole way. I was impressed with how well she did, especially considering she is just getting back into it after her injury. After watching mom cross the finish, I jogged out to finish my cool down and then walked until I saw Ty. Then I ran to the finish with him. He was somewhat regretting his decision to do an entire 10k and felt 5 miles would have been a more appropriate long run for him. I felt bad since it had been my idea, but he was able to finish his first 10k looking strong. When Ty finished we headed to get ice cream and I saw Elise enjoying an ice cream as she played with Uncie Taco.
Mom finishing the 5k. |
Thomas sharing ice cream with Elise. |
Carter sharing his ice cream with Elise. Carter wanted to wear light up shoelaces too, so he wore my old ones. |
We stayed for awards. Dad finished 3rd out of 16 in his age group and 22nd out of 334 overall in the 5k so he received a medal. Thomas pushed Elise and Carter in the double stroller. He started all the way at the back and later realized he should have lined up farther up as he was behind large groups of people waking together. He described his race as a fartlek as he had to sprint to get around groups of people and then slow, even walking at times, when he couldn't fit through. Given how narrow the trail was he had to run down onto the side of the hill at times which was a mess! As he approached the finish line Carter told him that Ty normally lets him out to run to the finish. He said he was disappointed to slow down and let Carter out as he was getting ready to pass the only stroller runner ahead of him, although that runner only had a single stroller. Even with all the weaving, sprinting, slowing down, walking, and then running at Carter's pace, Thomas was able to finish 5th out of 13 in his age group and 67th overall with a time of 27:12. Mom had a very impressive race running the entire way for the first time in over a year, thanks to injuries and a long recovery. She finished in 35:20, good for 6th out of 16 in her age group, 96th out of 218 women, and 179th overall. She was very excited she was able to run the whole way without pain! I finished 1st out of 51 females and 7th out of 95 total runners in the 10k. My time of 45:14 averaged to 7:16 pace. Ty completed his first ever 10k in 1:06:50. He was 8th out of 15 in his age group and 48th out of 95 total runners. I was proud of him for pushing through to the finish, especially given his lack of training recently. We all really enjoyed the event. Carter and Elise were dancing around, just having a blast at the post-race party but we knew it was time to get them home as it was already past 9:00! Elise was in bed by 10:30 and Carter was in bed a little after her so it was a late night for them both. By the time we had showered and eaten dinner, we didn't get to bed until after midnight. Thankfully the kids gifted us with sleeping in until 8 am. Which worked out great because I got to watch the Olympic women's marathon as I made and we ate breakfast. We have almost a month until our next race which will be a 5k for all of us. I'm excited to get some speed work in between now and then and see if I can squeeze in under 21 minutes!
Dad with his award, photo from the race photographers. |
Me with my award, photo from the race photographers. |
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