I know a lot of people are checking here for updates on Jeremy, so I wanted to go ahead and give a short update. Jeremy started his new medication on Friday and is reacting really well to it. Yesterday he had his most stable day so far with his ICP running 9-15 all day. His highest spike overnight was 18 and he was able to bring it back down on his own. Today was stable as well, but his ICP was a bit higher, maintaining around 15-17 and spiked to 25 once during the day. They felt he was stable enough to try feeding him again so they are now feeding him through his feeding tube. I had been concerned about how he could keep fighting without some nutrition since he is so thin. I have body fat reserves, but he sure doesn't! We know we still have a long road ahead of us, but we are excited his spikes are so much lower than they had been. We are all anxious for him to come out of the coma so we can see his eyes and hear his voice, but we know this is what is best for him right now.
Most of Jeremy's head is shaved right now due to everything they've had to do to his head. At one point he had a tuft of hair by his ear that kept sticking up. Every time I saw it, I smiled because it reminded me of the morning Elise was born. Jeremy was our go-to person to watch Carter when we headed to the hospital for Elise's delivery. I had texted him to give him a head's up between 4 and 5 am. When Ty called him around 6:00 to let him know we were ready to head to the hospital, he was at our house in record time. When he walked in the door I could tell he hadn't even taken the time to comb his hair. He had some hair sticking up on the top of his head. In that moment I realized I'd never seen his hair disheveled. He never left the house without showering first. He nervously followed me into the kitchen as I fed the animals and I could tell he was wondering why we weren't leaving yet. I was stalling in hopes that Carter would wake up before we left. As I fed the animals I had a really strong contraction and got down on all fours. When I stood up, the look on Jeremy's face made me realize it was time to go. As we were getting ready to leave I had a huge contraction and then ran into the bathroom to throw up. It meant so much to me that Jeremy was there for us so willingly and so quickly. It still makes me giggle thinking of the wild scene he entered into when he came through that front door.
Jeremy taking care of Carter while we were at the hospital with Elise. |
Jeremy holding Elise for the first time. |
Thanks for the Jeremy updates. Glad to hear he's been a bit more stable. I love the bed head pre-delivery story! Thinking of you all. -Alex F
ReplyDeleteThank you. We are quite pleased with how things have gone these last few days.