2014 was another great year! Each year just keeps getting better and better. I know 2015 will be even better as we will become a family of 4 this spring. So much has happened this year and Carter has grown so much. He took his first steps and is now running, jumping, and hopping. His imagination is burgeoning and he loves to play make believe with his cars and dolls. His vocabulary is taking off and he is communicating so well. There have been some major changes this year with Ty changing jobs, me resigning to stay home with Carter, and finding out we are expecting. As I look back over this past year I'm reminded of all the fun we've have! Here's 2014 in pictures. To see last year's picture recap go
January 2014
We celebrated the start of a new year! |
Carter started making diaper changes extremely difficult! |
We enjoyed LOTS of snow! |
Carter had his first restaurant meal, enchiladas! |
Carter went through a phase of sticking his tongue out when he was working hard. |
February 2014
We watched the Super Bowl. |
Carter got to spend the day with daddy on President's Day because Ty had the day off. |
Carter colored his first picture with crayons. |
March 2014
Carter started walking. |
We celebrated St. Patrick's Day. |
Carter got his first full hair cut. |
Carter got tubes put in his ears. |
Carter gave me my first kiss! |
April 2014
We celebrated Easter. |
Harper turned 6 and got a mini-cupcake to celebrate. |
May 2014
Thomas, Ty, Jeremy, and I ran the Tough Mudder. |
We celebrated Mother's Day by grilling out and eating in the yard. |
We met Carter's second cousin, Garrett, for the first time! |
We celebrated Ty's 28th birthday. |
June 2014
My best friend, Ang, got married. |
Carter took his first hike at Turkey Mountain. |
We celebrated Father's Day with breakfast out and a day of fun. |
We watched the US play in the World Cup on a jumbotron. |
We spent a lot of time at the splash pad. |
July 2014
Ty and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. |
We celebrated the 4th of July. |
Carter completed the summer reading program for the 2nd year and won a light up toy. |
We traveled to Virginia by car and Carter got to visit his second cousins: Grant, Madeline, and Julianna (not pictured above). |
We celebrated my 28th birthday. |
August 2014
We found out Carter is going to be a big brother! Baby is due April 7th. |
I started watching Jake twice a week. |
Carter had his 2nd full hair cut and laughed the entire time. |
We had our first prenatal appointment and got to see baby during an ultrasound! |
Thomas moved into his new house just 15 minutes away! |
September 2014
We found out my best friend, Erin, is also pregnant and due May 7th! |
Carter became obsessed with his rain boots and started wearing them every day! |
Carter went on his first flight. |
Carter visited the ocean for the first time during our family vacation with Ty's family. |
We announced our pregnancy on the blog and on Facebook. |
Carter went on his first hayrack ride. |
October 2014
Carter went on his first trip to the pumpkin patch. |
He painted his 2nd pumpkin. |
We found out we are having a GIRL! |
Carter went trick or treating for the first time on Halloween. |
Ty and Carter won costume contests at 2 different 5k's for the train Ty made. |
November 2014
Carter went to his first friend birthday party. |
Carter enjoyed the first snow of the year. There wasn't much, but he still enjoyed it. |
We hit the half-way point in our pregnancy. |
Carter ran his first Fun Run at the Turkey Day 5k. |
We celebrated Thanksgiving and Carter ate everything! |
December 2014
Carter ran the Jingle Bell Fun Run. |
We celebrated Carter's 2nd birthday! |
Carter had a "Go, Dog, Go!" themed 2nd birthday party. |
We got to pick Uncle Paul and Aunt Amanda up from the airport. |
Carter met Santa. |
Carter celebrated his 3rd Christmas. |
Wow, what an awesome year! Now bring on 2015, we are ready!!!!