This weekend was a go, go, go busy kind of weekend. My best friend, Ang, graduated as a medical doctor on Saturday which was also Ty's birthday. Friday evening we left right after work and headed to my parents' house. Carter did really well in the car and only fussed a little even though we arrived after dinner time. Although he did eat part of a baguette, most of an orange, and the remainder of his box of raisins (I'd say close to half a box). By the time we made it and headed out to eat, Carter wasn't really hungry anymore. My parents and I bathed Carter and then I put him down for bed. Once Carter was asleep my mom and I headed out because Ang's graduation was at 8 am and we had a 2 hour drive. We decided arriving late at night would be better than driving early in the morning.
Reading during the car ride. |
Carter spent the morning with his daddy, grampy, and Uncie Jeremy. They left in the afternoon around lunchtime and made it in time for the graduation party. The morning of graduation as I was getting ready I started feeling really emotional. I was there for Ang's white coat ceremony and now I was preparing for her hooding. I wasn't sure if it was partly due to being overly tired, but I started getting teary eyed. I kept thinking, if this is how I feel as a friend, how would I feel if it was my baby. Ty has some fun awaiting him in the future when we go through big events like this with Carter and (hopefully) future children. The ceremony was so much fun and exciting up until and then as Ang was hooded. Once we got a couple rows past her I lost interest, but I was so glad I got to be there to see her complete this step of her journey. The graduation party was in a nice restaurant with dim lights and a very nice atmosphere. My meal was honestly one of the best meals I have ever had.
Chasing cats Saturday morning. |

After the graduation party we met up with Ty's parents, grandparents, and Aunt Tina for a birthday dinner celebrating Ty's birthday. Ty had requested a Mexican restaurant, so we all met at his aunt's house and then caravaned to a restaurant. Ty enjoyed nachos for the 2nd night in a row and proclaimed that it was shaping up to be a very good birthday weekend (nachos are his favorite meal). Then they came out holding a bowl of ice cream with a candle in it and placed a sombrero on Ty's head while singing him happy birthday. He was not pleased and the excited "I'm having nachos two nights in a row" demeanor was gone. Now we ALL know, no birthday singing at restaurants for Ty. Even if it means free dessert that I can eat since he doesn't want it. Bummer! We waited for bedtime and then bathed Carter at Aunt Tina's and headed for my parents' house. Carter slept the entire ride home without a peep. When we got home I pulled Carter out of his car seat, walked him inside, up the stairs, swayed back and forth maybe 5 times, laid him down in the crib, and he was out! It was a very successful trip.
Eating a tiny bite of daddy's birthday ice cream with Aunt Tina. |
Snuggling with grammy at dinner. |
Sunday was a lazy day starting at 6:00 which was rough after going to bed at midnight. My dad and I took Carter to the park, we drew quite a bit with chalk, and chased dogs around the house. Ty enjoyed another birthday dinner out, this time at his favorite restaurant, once again nachos. Back at my parents house we celebrated some more with a few presents and homemade pie. My mom made him a blueberry pie and a blueberry/peach pie. We again left after bathing Carter and getting him ready for bed. Carter fell asleep for about 45 minutes and woke up screaming. None of the tricks I normally use to calm him down were working so I had Ty stop so I could get him out and hold him for a little bit. It turned out he had pooped so I changed his diaper. After that he just couldn't fall back to sleep and cried the majority of the ride home until I pulled out my phone and played soft, calming music videos for him. When we got home I rocked Carter for a little bit and then he went right down.
Playing in the dog bed. |
Drawing on his special chalkboard table made by grammy and grampy. |
The weekends are never long enough, but I'm now down to the last 8 days! Woo hoo!!!
Oh, I wish I could have gone to the park! Was this his first time in a regular swing? I love how Fezzik and Zuma's beds fit him so perfectly. :) He's going to be like Uncie Thomas, laying in a dog bed to watch a movie. :)
ReplyDeleteIt was one of the first times, I've had him on a swing with me at parks here a few times.