It's hard to believe this year was already Carter's 2nd Thanksgiving. It was his last 1st holiday during 2013 and I was sad to see the firsts end. This year it was the last holiday he experienced for the 2nd time, other than his birthday, as this Christmas will be his 3rd! I'm still amazed when I think of the fact that he's been here for 3 Christmases although he wasn't due until January 9th. Looking back at everything the timing was so perfect! I wanted to title this post "Carter's 2nd Thanksgiving" but then what would I do next year? Title my post "Carter's 3rd Thanksgiving"? And when would it end, when he's 18? I'm pretty sure I'll still be all sentimental and thinking about how it's his 18th Thanksgiving and all that, but I seriously doubt any of you will care. Read about Carter's 1st Thanksgiving
Everyone ready to start our Thanksgiving off with a bang! |
Our Thanksgiving morning started early with a Turkey Day 5k. I was really excited for the race because Carter was registered for the 1 Mile Fun Run. Little Mister loves to run, walk, and be mobile so I couldn't wait to see what he thought of being in his first race. The fun run started 30 minutes before the start of the 5k so I figured Carter and mom would most likely finish before we started. Carter and mom headed to the start line and we found a spot a little bit down the road to cheer for them. As the race started Carter immediately took off running and ran I would guess about 1/10th of a mile before requesting that mom carried him. I was so excited for Carter that I ran on the sidewalk next to them until mom started carrying him. Jeremy and Ty followed along with me. We decided to stop and cheer for racers about a quarter-mile from the start/finish. It was hilarious seeing kids take off sprinting with excitement as we cheered for them and then begin walking a little ways down the road. Finally we saw mom carrying Carter toward us not far ahead of the vehicle holding up the rear of the race. Carter had wanted to walk for a while and would get distracted pointing at things. We began cheering for Carter and he got so excited he took off running. I headed out into the street to run with him and he took off even faster. He requested for Uncie to join us in the street and then yelled for his daddy, veering toward the sidewalk until Ty finally came over to run with us. Carter was laughing and having a blast as we ran down the hill toward the finish. Then all the sudden, boom, he tripped and caught himself but still bumped his forehead. Sadly, he began crying before I quickly scooped him up and continued to cry as we approached the finish. There were big, inflatable turkeys on either side of the finish line and mom was able to distract him with the turkeys and get him to dry up the tears as they walked across the finish line. I think he would've ran all the way to the finish had he not fallen. The head damage aside, I'd say his first run was a success.
Excited and ready for the race to start. |
Taking off at the race start running. |
Uncie Jeremy, Oma, Carter, and me running with Carter to the finish. |
Carter talked Ty into joining us for the race. |
Mom carrying Carter across the finish. |
After Carter's finish I took off for a short warm up and last minute restroom break. Carter was a busy boy as after he finished his fun run he went into the stroller to run the 5k with Thomas. The race was a bit cold in the low 30's and the wind was decently strong so we put his weather shield on the stroller to keep him from getting too cold. We took off up hill and the first mile was mostly up and down hill. Heading into the 2nd mile I was pleased to see we would get to run flats. At the turn around I counted 11 women ahead of me. I decided my goal was to maintain my position as 12th overall female. I thought the race was out and back like last year, but it was different which was nice and meant we skipped the hills during the last mile and had a flat last mile as well. I was having some trouble with my turkey hat which kept slipping back and off my head so I finally pulled it off and stuck it in the band of my pants. I caught up to the woman ahead of me and was running next to her stride for stride when my turkey hat slipped out of my pants and I turned around and ran back to get it. It took me a while to catch back up to the woman I had been running with and when I did I was running faster than her so I passed her and then caught up to another female, passing her. With about a quarter-mile to go the first woman I passed pulled up beside me again and I took off. I was feeling great. Lately on runs I either feel great like I'm not even pregnant or I feel much more pregnant than I should with a tight stomach and sore hips. Luckily today was the not feeling pregnant kind of day. As I turned toward the finish I heard Jeremy and my mom cheering for me and looked up to see the clock click over to 24 minutes. I was pleased to finish in 24:10, 7:47 pace which put me 43rd overall out of 464 total finishers.
Thomas rocking it with the stroller. |
Crossing the finish line. |
Ty finishing. |
Jeremy had finished 5th overall male in 20:04. Dad was also ahead of me finishing in 23:01 and was the 32nd overall finisher. Thomas ran with Carter in the stroller, finishing in 28:02 as the 106th finisher. Ty finished in 29:20 as the 135th finisher. We stuck around for awards, drinking hot chocolate and eating bagels. As they announced my age group they didn't say me for 3rd place so I assumed I didn't place. I was shocked when they said I had won my age group. I'm not sure what happened, if they messed up at the awards ceremony or what, but looking at the online results I was 3rd in my age group. It turned out that the lady I outkicked at the end of the race was in my age group and placed 4th but I'm guessing they gave her the 2nd place medal. Jeremy won his age group as did dad. When we looked at the results online we saw Thomas had actually placed 3rd in his age group, but hadn't received an award. Ty was 7th in the same age group.
Carter enjoying a bagel with his Oma. |
The medalists after the awards ceremony. Turns out Thomas should've been in there! |
Carter wore his "my uncle is faster than your uncle" shirt for the race. |
When we returned we showered, Ty made biscuits and gravy and eggs for breakfast, and we played outside with Carter. After lots of fun outside playing it was time for Carter's lunch and nap time. Due to timing we had decided to eat our Thanksgiving feast as an early dinner when Carter woke up from his nap. After Carter woke up and we were waiting for a few things to finish baking mom, dad, Jeremy, and I were in the kitchen while Thomas and Ty were in the living room. Carter came into the kitchen asking for a cookie. I debated whether he could have a bite or not and finally decided he could have a little bite. He ran into the living room with it and gave it to Thomas. It turned out Thomas had asked Carter to go get him a cookie. Talk about service! Last year I was so excited to have Carter sitting at the table eating off his high chair tray with us. This year it was so cute to have him sitting in a chair with his booster eating off a plate on the table just like us! He was a bit concerned that the food was so warm, but enjoyed everything on his plate. It's hard to say what his favorite food was. I'd have to say it was probably the sweet potatoes or the cranberry applesauce.
Enjoying his Thanksgiving feast. |
Last year we went to see the lights turned on at a popular shopping area. There was a choir group there singing before Santa arrived to turn on the lights. We got there before everything started and were waiting for a long time, unimpressed with the music. This year we showed up late, had a hard time finding a place to park, and they turned on the lights as we were walking up so we didn't get to see it. We stayed around for a little while afterward to check out the lights and then headed home in time for Carter to take a bath and get ready for bed. Next year we will make sure we get there right around the time it starts rather than early or late. We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving and have so much to be thankful for. I hope you all had a fabulous day as well!