Carter with his parents and grandparents at Joel's reception, right after he spit up on his shirt and his daddy's tie! |
This Saturday Carter went to his first wedding and his
second wedding in the same day! A few
months back I got a text from my friend Joel asking me if I knew our friend
Rachel was getting married on the same day he was. We all ran cross country together and they
were two of my best friends all through high school. Joel and I remained close after graduation
and Rachel and I lost touch. He then
followed with you’re coming to my wedding right?!
When the invitations came out we were excited to see both
weddings were in Kansas City, Joel’s at 4pm and Rachel’s at 6:30pm. Upon further investigation we realized Joel’s
reception site was only half a mile from Rachel’s wedding and reception
site. I was thrilled I would get to go
to both weddings. Having Carter made things interesting and he would probably sum the day up with "get in the car seat, spit up, get out of the car seat, change, repeat".
Friday evening we headed to my parents' house to break up
the drive and so Thomas could watch Harper while we were gone. On Saturday we left earlier than we needed to
so we could stop in and visit one of my best friends, Melissa, who had never
met Carter. She and her girlfriend took turns playing with Carter and
were both impressed with how happy he was. Then
she curled my hair for me which looked adorable early on in the evening, but it
was WINDY and my hair just couldn’t withstand it!
Since we hadn’t seen Melissa in quite a while we had a hard
time leaving. By the time we were in the
car and headed toward the wedding we were in panic mode. According to the GPS we would arrive at the
wedding site at 3:56 and Carter needed a diaper and clothing change. Uh oh!
Family photo! |
When we made it to the chapel we saw the best (only) option
for parking was a parking garage next door.
Ty pulled in and had to search for a spot, leading us all the way to the
4th floor. I quickly pulled
Carter out of his car seat and changed his diaper in record time. I grabbed his clothes for clothing change #1 (a tie onesie and khaki pants) and chased after Ty, who
was walking very quickly, dressing Carter as I walked down the 4 floors of the
parking garage in heels all while my hair was blowing in a tornado around my
By the time we made it to the chapel doors I had sweat
running down my back. As we walked in I
looked over to see the groomsmen lined up and ready to enter the
sanctuary. I gave Joel’s brother a
distressed and sorry we’re late smile, glanced at the clock on the wall which
said 4:02, and was ushered down the aisle to seats next to my mom and dad. We sat down and I felt relieved, whew, we
made it!
Ready for wedding #1: Joel and Isabel |
I started out with Carter facing out in my lap, but he kept
talking, so I turned him to face me.
Next thing I knew he was trying to nurse through my dress, so I passed
him off to Ty and he was quiet after that.
The ceremony was very short and sweet.
We headed to the reception site and I nursed Carter in the car. As we were heading in he spit up on his pants (clothing change #2). We pulled off his pants, went in, and chatted with friends for a while. Then Carter spit up on his onesie and Ty's tie, resulting in clothing change #3 when we got to the car (we then put him in a polo onesie and khaki shorts). The couple made their grand entrance and then we headed to Rachel’s wedding.
Ready for wedding #2: Rachel and Drew |
Again I sat with Carter facing out. It must be something about the slow music
because once the wedding party began to walk down the aisle, Carter started
talking. I passed him off to Ty who was
able to hold him against his chest. Carter
was getting tired at this point and began to suck his thumb. Rachel’s wedding was also short and
sweet. We headed to the cocktail hour to
congratulate everyone and then went back to Joel’s reception (my parents had
only RSVP’d to the first wedding, knowing they couldn’t go to both receptions).
I'm so glad my mom had me get pictures with Joel and Rachel! |
Carter received a lot of attention and even got snuggles
from the parents of the groom. We got to
see them cut the cake and do the first dance and then decided Carter had had
enough. Ty’s Aunt Tina lives in the area
so we headed to her house so Carter could get a bath, jammies, and nurse.
With Joel's parents at the reception. |
The poor boy had quite the day getting in and out of his car
seat multiple times which is one of his least favorite activities. He was in and out of his car seat at Mel’s,
in and out of his car seat to Joel’s wedding, in and out of his car seat to
Rachel’s wedding, in and out of his car seat to Joel’s reception, and finally
in his car seat to head to Aunt Tina’s.
I hated putting him back in his car seat to leave her house and stalled
as much as possible, but finally at 9pm I knew we had to leave.
Snuggles with Aunt Tina |
Once he was in his car seat he was out and only cried when
Ty stopped to get gas and then once randomly about half-way to my parents'
house. I sang to him and he fell back to
sleep. When we got to my parents' house
I took him straight to his crib. He
fussed for a bit and then fell back to sleep.
I was so proud of him!
Zonked out in his car seat |
We headed back home today and poor Carter was just done with
his car seat and I couldn’t blame him.
About 10 minutes from home he started crying big crocodile tears.
Poor guy just couldn’t take the car seat
We made it home right around
7pm, I gave him a bath right away, and he was hard asleep by 7:30 (about 30 minutes
earlier than normal).
Our busy weekend
sure wore him out!
Out for the count after his busy weekend |